

School Empowerment Training
Join this group training :- 10:00 am

1. Wednesday -  List your school and improve your presence and Brand
2. Thursday - Manage and Publish blogs of your schools 
3. Friday - Hire staff easily

Webinar Link - https://meet.google.com/xrz-hdjg-fpq

Daily Training 

Timing- 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM
We will do training for these modules in GROUP only. 

1. Monday -  Registration/Admission
2. Tuesday - Create Academic Year/Upgrade Student/Assign Class & Subject Teacher
3. Wednesday - School Fees  / Transport module 
4. Thursday - Communication modules (SMS, Broadcast, Holidays, Events, News, Notices, birthdays and many more)
5. Friday - (Teachers Training): Academic modules (Homework, class work, Lesson plan, How to use phone app)

Webinar Link: https://meet.google.com/xrz-hdjg-fpq

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